Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Show Me App Review by Yuliana

Do you want a new app to take notes and draw? ShowMe is the app for you then.
ShowMe is basically an interactive whiteboard where you can take notes, draw and post the “items” you have made. You can get this app for free on the “App Store.” When you first open up the app it will take you directly to a screen where you can start creating your “slide.” If you tap on the red box that has “Create with the plus sign” that is on your right-hand side it will bring you to a different screen. When you are at that screen you can start taking notes or drawing. You could either tap on the red bottom to start creating your slide or you could tap on the green “Create new ShowMe” button that is on your left side corner. (You can tap on either one and it will take you to the same page).To start taking notes you could use the “pens/colors ” or “text.” To use “text” you just tap on the “big A with the small a”. To use the “pens/ colors” you just tap on the color you want and start taking notes or drawing. When you first tap on the “pen/color” some “dots” will pop up, the “dots” are just for you to pick how thick or thin you want you “pen/color” to be.  If you want more colors than the regular ones all you have to do is tap on the “add” button next to the colors and more colors will appear. To add a picture you tap on the square that has mountains and a sun. From there you could either choose a photo from your library, take a picture, or you could search one from the “web”.  When you are done creating your masterpiece all you have to do is tap the “Done” bottom that is on your left side corner.
“Groups, Explore, and Courses”
Groups, Explore, and Courses are different categories in the app ShowMe. The Group category is where you can join a class or make your own class, as in groups. When you tap the “Explore” button it will take you to the “Trending ShowMes”,” Popular ShowMes”, and it will show you “Featured People” The Courses button will show you “All” the posts people around the world had posted. If you see next to the “All” button you will see a button that says “Paid.” If you tap on that button it will take you to the “page” where all the ShowMes are that you have to pay for, most of them cost  $9.99. You can find these buttons on the left side corner.

Some pros about this app are that you can add “Bluetooth devices” to it, such as an Apple Pencil. Another pro is that you are able to record what you are doing, as what you are “drawing”. Another pro is that you are able to have multiple “pages”.
Some cons about the app ShowMe is that you have to “sign up” or “login in” otherwise your work will not be saved. Another con is that if you post an “item” it is out to the world and anybody could see it. Another con is that other people could see your information.
In general I think the app ShowMe is a great app to use even though it has some ups and downs. I really enjoy using ShowMe, especially in my free time. I would recommend this app to anybody.

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